So tonight I spent a lot of time in second life and searching for math stuff on second life online. And low and behold I found some cool stuff. There was so much 3D modeling that I would not even think it was imaginable. There was a mobius band, Fibonacci stuff, and all kinds of other stuff!! It was crazy. There was this one island that I found like 5 different places that had cool math stuff. I was disappointed that I couldn't find some of the stuff, but that's ok. There were pictures of them on this
Math in Second Life website. Check out the other pictures for sure. I thought that the picture of the torus would have come in handy when I was taking Geometric Transformations because we talked about all kinds of Geometric structures. I even went to see if there was any cool wallpaper patterns because we talked about those too in that class. I know that I am a true math geek when I look at something like a mobius band and a torus and think they are way cool or when I look at a wallpaper pattern and can tell you the group it is in classified by the rotations, translations, miracles, and so on. If I were to go and use SecondLife I would now have specific places that I would go and show students!! So I guess that there is a little more you can do in it compared to Google Sketchup.
(Life Blogging, Repost)
Google Sketchup and SL are not either/or selections. You could enrich your math program by using both of them. Unfortunately, you wouldn't be able to have your k-12 students use SL, but there are other options.